Guerrero Useda, María Eugenia2019-06-062019-06-062018Revista Producción + Limpia-Vol. 13 No 2 - 20181909-0455 Oil spills in water sources generate large-scale environmental damage. A cause and effect analysis on the events of pipeline ruptures in Colombia allowed to establish the sections with the highest rupture rate and bombs attacks as the major causes. Objective. Determine to what extent the rupture of oil pipelines and the release of hydrocarbons in river and lake waters caused by operational failures of the Colombian oil industry affect sustainability. Materials and methods. Emergent qualitative design. Results. The statistics on blasting in two sections of the Colombian oil pipeline network have increased in 2017 and 2018, generating a decrease in the biodiversity of aquatic fauna, soil contamination, economic losses due to interruptions in the production chain and damage to indigenous communities. Conclusion. . It shows a negative result on the sustainability of Colombia oil industryesAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráMedio ambiente - DegradaciónHidrocarburosDesarrollo sostenibleRuptura de oleoductos por interferencia externa, daño ambiental y sostenibilidad en ColombiaRupture of oil pipelines due to external interference, environmental damage and sustainability in ColombiaRuptura de oleodutos devido a interferências externas, danos ambientais e sustentabilidade na ColômbiaArticleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces