Gil Santa, Diego Alejandro2012-06-082012-06-082012-06-08 quality standards are of great importance in the evaluation of finish processes, through the different areas in a company; this is why a tracking procedure was done to the processes that would lead to an improvement. Beginning from the moment the main supply of meat is received, and going through each and every transforming process, until achieving a finished product that will generate satisfaction of the final consumer. Within this parameters are: pH, temperature, colour, mixing, weighing, packaging, and some more; which are analyzed deeply to guarantee a final product. Considering these optimum conditions and next to an excellent and ordered production process, it will generate a high quality product that will be positioned not only in the national market but in the international market.esIndustria cárnicaControl de carnesCorporación Universitaria LasallistaIndustrias PecuariasProductos cárnicos - ElaboraciónComestibles DAN S.A.Parámetros para determinar la calidad de los productos cárnicos a través de los diferentes procesos en la empresa “Comestibles Dan”Thesis