Morales Espinosa, RobertoSuárez López, DianaCordero Gutierrez, IvánSchreiner de Oliveira, Luciana2018-08-162018-08-162017Revista Producción + Limpia Vol. 12 N. 11909-0455 Noise is sound which may be bothering, unpleasant, and disturbing for the person who constantly hears them, until becoming a big pollutant. Objective. To design a technological tool which allows measuring hearing polluting levels in closed spaces. Materials and methods. Levels of decibels defined by Environment Ministry and World Health Organization (WHO) were taken into consideration, bearing in mind three variables: noise, sound source, and time of exposition. Results. Within the results, system general architecture model has been highlighted, the design of prototype is supported on Arduino and Raspberry PI technologies. Conclusion. Internet of things offers many good opportunities to be used and applied in health area in work at a low cost.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráContaminación auditivaContaminación por ruidoNiveles de contaminaciónDesarrollo tecnológicoArduinoRaspberry PIDiseño de una herramienta de medición de ruidos basados en tecnologías Arduino-Rasperry PIDesign of a Noise Measure Tool Based on Arduino-Raspberry PI TechnologiesDesenho de uma ferramenta de medição de ruídos baseados nas tecnologias Arduino-Rasperry PIArticle