Agudelo Torres, José FedericoManco Rueda, Sergio AndrésOcampo Ruiz, Edgar2022-01-182022-01-182021Revista Lasallista de Investigación-Vol. 18 No. 21794-4449 views on school culture proposed in this investigative exercise are the result of the networking carried out in the Pedagogical Thought Center (CPP), in which reflection on educational work is promoted from various academic fields, within the framework of the educational contexts of Antioquia. Under this frame of reference, the Objectiveof this article emphasizes understanding the school culture of the lower Cauca-Antioqueño subregion, a territory framed in the middle of the armed conflict. Materials and methods: The research was carried out from a qualitative design and is subscribed to a hermeneutical (interpretive) paradigm; specifically, it is guided by the biographical-narrative approach. Twenty teachers participated with whom discussion groups and experience reports were carried out as an information gathering technique. The data were analyzed from the narrative analysis using the narrative interpretation matrix proposed by the researchers. The Results show that the school culture in Lower Cauca Antioquia is complex, changing and different from that of other subregions of the department due to the realities of the territory. It is Concluded that the school culture in this Antioquia subregion is nuanced and is configured by three significant aspects are “The work of the teacher” “The cracks of the pedagogy of memory” and “The fusion of cosmogonies of the country and the coast, the presence of the river Cauca and the school as a territory of resilience”esAcceso abiertoUnilasallista Corporación UniversitariaCultura escolarEscuelaInvestigación narrativaMaestrosCultura Escolar en el Bajo Cauca Antioqueño: de lo Mecánico a lo Complejoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces