Ospina Meneses, Silvia MarcelaCartagena Valenzuela, José Régulo2012-07-052012-07-0520081794-4449http://hdl.handle.net/10567/497The modified atmosphere technique consists on packing food in materials that produce a barrier against the diffusion of gasses, in which the gas environment has been modified in order to lower the respiration grade and the microbial growth, and also delaying the enzymatic development aiming to enlarge the usefulness time of the product. Depending on the demands of the food to be packed, an atmosphere with environments rich in CO2 and poor in CO2 will be required. They reduce the respiration process in the products, keeping their physicalchemical, organoleptic and micro biological characteristics for a longer term.esAtmósfera modificadaCorporación Universitaria LasallistaConservación de alimentosAlimentosEmpaquetadoAlimentos - EmpaquetadoLa atmósfera modificada: una alternativa para la conservación de los alimentosModified atmosphere: an alternative for food preservationA atmosfera modificada: uma alternativa para a conservação dos alimentosArticle