Zuleta Salas, Guillermo León2015-03-202015-03-202015-03-201909-0455http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1272This article, after some short reflections about bioethics, aims to contribute with some reflection points about bioethical education in schools, in a global and integral sense, going beyond “classes” the “subject” and also beyond the question about whether or not an institution is defined as confessional. For this purpose two questions are aimed to be answered: Who educates? And. from where is education made? As a complement, some reflections about the educati-ve institution and the family are proposed, and also others about what being a pupil means nowadays.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráBioéticaEducaciónLibertadBioética y educación: educación para la bioéticaBioethics and education: education for bioethicsBioética E Educação: educação para a bioéticaArticle