Alvarado Sánchez, Jairo Augusto2012-03-272012-03-272012-03-27978-958-8406-14-5 This work aims to share some results from the research “Contemporary Ethics: an interpretation of ethical pluralism at Corporación Universi - taria Lasallista”, made by young students of the Corporation in Caldas, Antioquia. The intention with this work is to describe the discourse’s logic and the ethical praxis students have before problems and situations in which they assume positions as subjects from certain life and world perspectives. From the youngsters´ point of view, moral is an individual process that displaces the modern project of subject and moral, allowing the appearance of plurality and diversity as connatural elements of a new condition: Postmorality. This process, despite having contradictions and ambiguities in both the discourse and the experiences, is an opportunity to re-install individuality and plurality as autonomy’s guarantee.esÉticaCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÉtica - JóvenesÉtica - Estudiantes universitariosPosmoralidadPluralismo (Ciencias sociales)Individualismo (Ciencias sociales)El pluralismo como lógica del discurso ético contemporáneoPluralism as a contemporary ethical discourse´s logicsBook chapter