Rodríguez Colorado, NancyLópez Herrera, AlbeiroEcheverri Zuluaga, José Julián2020-12-102020-12-102013Revista Lasallista de Investigación - Vol. 10 No. 2 - 20131794-4449 stimulates or inhibits se-veral humoral and cellular components of the im-munity. given its qualities, it can play a role in the prevention of mammary gland ́s infections. objec-tive. To explore the association of the intron 6 po-lymorphism of the bovine lactoferrin gene with milk production, fat and protein percentages and somatic cells count in a population of Holstein cows, in Antio-quia. Materials and methods. This research work was performed with base on information about 382 Holstein cows from the Antioquia province. 1345 lac-tations were taken for the association analysis with milk production and 293 lactations were taken for fat and protein percentages and for a somatic cells count (SCC). The production and the composition of the milk were monitored during, at least, a who-le lactation. The genotyping was performed by the use of the PCR-TfLP technique. results. The allelic frequencies were 0.78 and 0.22 for A and b, respec-tively. The genotypic frequencies were 0.60, 0.36 and 0.04 for AA, Ab y bb, respectively. There were significant differences (P<0.05) between the measu-rements of protein percentages and SCC between the three genotypes. for the protein percentage, the BB genotype had 0.18% of superiority and for SCC the AB genotype showed a reduction of 0.77 in such rate. for the other characteristics, no significant di-fferences were found. conclusions. These results suggest that the LTf bovine gene is a good indicator of the susceptibility or the resistance to subclinical mastitis and is associated to the protein percentage in the milk.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaMarcadores molecularesMejoramiento genéticoProducción de lecheAsociación del polimorfismo del intrón 6 en el gen lactoferrina bovino con características de importancia en producción lecheraAssociation of the intron 6 polymorphism of the bovine lactoferrin gene with characteristics important for the dairy industryAssociação do polimorfismo do intrón 6 no gene lactoferrina bovino com características de importância em produção leiteirainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces