Franco López, Jorge ArielUribe, AndreaMonsalve, Juan C.2020-12-102020-12-102019Revista Lasallista de Investigación–Vol. 16 No 2–20191794-4449 management as an innovative and key process for smart organizations allowed its application in higher education research centers, based on intellectual capital (IC), as a fundamental axis in the creation of intangible assets, using the Intellectus model, which emphasizes as components of the IC: Human Capital (HC), Structural Capital (SC) and Relational Capital(RC). Objective: The work seeks to develop a measurement methodology for HC and SC for research centers. Materials and methods: Using the fuzzy logic technique 2 and the Matlab® toolbox, algorithms were generated to obtain an intelligent tool.The model validation was applied to the Administrative Sciences research group of the Metropolitan Technological Institute of Medellin. Through the Delphi technique, six experts determined that the decisive variables to be evaluated, according to the model, were from the HC: values and aptitudes, attitudes, and knowledge; from organizational SC: organizational learning; and from technological SC: R&D. The information was obtained from the application of a questionnaire with 54 questions to 16 researchers, measured with a Likert scale. Results: With fuzzy logic 2, a base of rules was achieved that, together with the Karnik-Mendel type of reduction, allowed decision making on the variables through the control surface. Conclusion:The combination of capabilities and effort and R&D brings greater value. The relationship between attitudes and organizational learning is significant, although not a priority in the generation of value; and the generation of value, between the values and skills variables, with organizational learning, is not significantesAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaGestión del conocimientoInteligencia artificialEl capital humano y estructural a través de lógica difusaHuman and Structural Capital Through Diffuse Logic 2Capital humano e estrutural através da lógica difusa 2info:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces