Restrepo Tamayo, Juan Camilo2014-10-152014-10-152014-10-151794-4449 today is towards the progress and the dreams of the first Modernity. More than an imperative necessity, it is an axiological urgency. With all of the theoretical resources provided by Hans Jonas´ principle of responsibility a prospective scope is also required, and this means an ethical prevision that not only criticizes social and politically dominant values, but also involves all of the development agents and the cultural forces of transformation.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaHans JonasInstitución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de AntioquiaUniversidad Pontificia BolivarianaAxiologíaBioéticaÉticaModernidadProspectivas éticas en el horizonte de la responsabilidad: alcances y límites de la sugestiva visión de Hans JonasAn ethical prospective in the horizon of responsibility: scope and limits of Hans Jonas´ suggestive visionProspectivas éticas no horizonte da responsabilidade: alcances e limites da sugestiva visão de Hans JonasArticle