Benjumea Loaiza, Cetty CarlosVélez Vélez, Jesús Andrés2020-02-042020-02-042019Revista Lasallista de Investigación–Vol. 16 No 1–20191794-4449 In the urge of Lasallian teachers for establishing dialogue between their discursive and pedagogical practices and the Lasallian identity, and for understanding themselves from the latter, a series of discursive and pedagogical practices emerges. These can orientate the teachers in such configuration process. Objective: Analyze discursive and pedagogical practices which demonstrate the appropriation of the Lasallian Teacher Identity in La Salle Bello School’s Religious Education Staff. Materials and methods: The study was conceived from the hermeneutic method, supported on a series of semi-structured interviews and active observations on the research subjects. Results: From their discursive practices, it was evidenced that the teachers can identify some Lasallian identity items, integrating them to their being as Lasallian teachers. However, within their pedagogical practices, such being is not manifested in their daily activities. Conclusions: The results allow establishing that, even though teachers mention some discursive practices which place them in an encounter with many Lasallian identity elements, a lack of awareness with such encounter is identified since those practices are not evidenced in their own pedagogical practicesesAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaIdentidad LasallistaPrácticas pedagógicasEducación religiosaMaestrosPrácticas discursivas y pedagógicas que configuran la identidad Lasallista: una experiencia de aulaDiscursive and pedagogical practices which configure Lasallian identity: a classroom experienceinfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces