Martínez Molina, Oscar AntonioPino Torrens, Ricardo EnriqueUrias Arbolaez, Graciela de la Caridad2019-05-292019-05-292018Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 15 No 2 20181794-4449 The present research work arises from a group concern regarding the work of the teacher in the development of the cultural identity of the students. Knowing the identity of a person can be based on their family, community, and environment, in which the teaching-learning process shapes the individual in a framework of social participation, guided by norms and values. Objective: Analyze the didactic strategies for the development of the Ecuadorian cultural identity in accordance with the eco system of coexistence, from three elements of its planning: the family; the selection of educational materials; and from the programming of its activities. Methodology: Action research was used, the main method applied was autobiographical and the application of techniques such as: life stories, the biographical story, participant and systematic observation, the interview and the documentary analysis. Results: Among the most important results of the study, it is concluded that teachers do plan strategies that promote the development of the Ecuadorian cultural identity of their students in the areas of individual cultural historical biogeo, the community and the province. Conclusions: The most anticipated strategies are those that facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and the development of cognitive skills, mainly.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaInvestigaciónEducación y culturaEducación - Aspectos socialesDidáctica de la educaciónIdentidad culturalMedio social, identidad y didácticaSocial environment, identity and didacticsMeio social, identidade e didáticaArticleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces