Arango Gutiérrez, Gloria PatriciaAgudelo Betancur, Lina Marcela2012-04-262012-04-2620041794-4449 the fauna living in the compost, the insects play an important role in the transformation processes of the organic material, due to these help in between other functions, to triturate the vegetable material for others to perform transformation processes. For the crockrach, the compost is a proper environment to have a supervivency and reproduction process, besides of the contribution in the transformation processes of the organic materia in fertilize.esCucarachasCorporación Universitaria LasallistaCompostBlattodeaBlattaResiduos sólidosResiduos sólidos - AprovechamientoValor biológico de las cucarachas en el compostBiological Value of The Crockrach un The CompostArticle