Fiorino, Víctor Martin2014-10-152014-10-152014-10-151794-4449 dilemmas bioethics faces in the 21st century are marked by a special situation: it can be said that this century started with the emergence of bioethics, during the decade of the sixties, in the past one. If, as it can be understood, a century really starts when the thinking paradigms and the scope of the socially significant practices have a twist that implies deep and irreversible transformations with effects in all of the life aspects, the 21st century started, actually, more than 40 years ago.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaInstitución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de AntioquiaUniversidad Pontificia BolivarianaParadigmas (Ciencias sociales)BioéticaGlobalizaciónDilemas de la bioética en el siglo XXIBioethical dilemmas in the 21st centuryDilemas da bioética no século XXIArticle