Arroyave Rojas, Joan AmirGarcés Giraldo, Luís Fernando2012-07-112012-07-112012-07-111909-0455 reflections concerning environmrental problems, seeking for a reduction of negative impacts oin environment, have boosted the appearance of nacional and internacional initiatives Ander the general initiative of cleaner production. This is a prevention managerial strategy applied to products, processes and work organization, aiming to minimize pollution and leaks in the source, reducing risks for human health and environment and increasing competitiveness. Thus, cleaner Technologies are created to develop the cleaner production phylosophy, and make it feasible.esTecnologías limpiasÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráProducción más limpiaCorporación Universitaria LasallistaReciclajeResiduos sólidosResiduos sólidos - AprovechamientoResiduos sólidos - ManejoTecnologías ambientalmente sosteniblesEnvironmentally sustainable technologiesArticle