Álvarez Torres, Jair HernandoNaranjo Loaiza, Jenyffer2015-03-282015-03-2820132256-3911http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1316This article approaches, from a critical-hermeneutical view, the role played by the teaching manual in the childhood scholarity and its influence on the representations and the imaginaries of children in Colombia between 1974 and 2011. In order to do so, the text for reading initiation Nacho lee was chosen because it is a manual that still exists in the mind and in the imaginaries of Colombians and also is a text that is easy to get in the market, a condition not shared by other manuals such as La cartilla de Charry, Pinocho libro de inicial de lectura, Trampolín, Diabluras, Victoria, and the best seller of all times: La alegría de leer (The Joy f Reading) which was, according to Melo (1999) surpassed in Colombia only by the literary works of Gabriel García Márquez, given the fact it sold, probably, more than a million units (Melo, 1999).esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y EducaciónHermenéuticaEducaciónEducación infantilUna mirada crítico-hermenéutica a las representaciones sociales de la infancia a través de las imágenes plasmadas en la cartilla inicial de lectura Nacho lee: 1974-2011A critical-hermeneutical view of social representations of the childhood through the images that appear on the initial reading book Nacho lee (Nacho Reads): 1974-2011Uma mirada crítico-hermenêutica às representações sociais da infância através das imagens plasmadas na cartilha inicial de leitura nacho lee: 1974-2011.Article