Valderrama López, María PaulaGómez Casas, Isabel Cristina2016-08-122016-08-122014 joint investigation was based on the identification of internal, external and preferred remuneration for work means motivational factors. To achieve this Motivation Questionnaire was used for the job, plus a semi-structured interview was conducted, allowing the achievement of the objectives. The analysis of the results allowed to conclude that employees Talent Membership is an important internal motivator; Moreover, the reference is the most significant for employees and Dedication to Task external motivational factor is the most effective way to get retribution at work environment. As for the interviews it can be concluded that both the recognition as the Working Group are significant for proper motivation.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaPsicologíaC.I UnibanAdministración de personalFactores de motivación laboral en los empleados de C.I. UNIBANThesis