Cevallos Sánchez, GisselaMoncada, Zoila Alvarado2019-05-302019-05-302018Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 15 No 2 20181794-4449http://hdl.handle.net/10567/2306introduction.Druguse,isasubjectofgreat importance,andaserious socialproblem, which not only afflicting our country, Ecuador, but that his involvement is at the global level, taking into consideration that even serious damage in health, social life andthecitizensecurity.Objective.Propose anddisseminatecomprehensivestrategies for the rehabilitation and reintegration of youngpeopleaddictedtodrugs.Materials and methods.Asurveywas implemented to 40 young people between 18 and 25 years of age, of different social classes. Results. It was determined that drug use is on the rise, because of family problems andtheinfluenceoffriendshipsandsocial networks;aswellas,itisdeterminedthata highpercentageofrespondentsunknown regulations governing the addiction in the EcuadorandStatepolicies,createdforthe appropriaterehabilitationandreintegration of addicts into society. Conclusion. Is projected through the results bring to the attention of society in general and in particular of addicts, the norms that regulate the problem of addiction; as well as, make known the issue of public policy that theState has created based on comprehensivepreventionofthisproblem, in order to ensure a dignified life.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaInclusión socialDrogadicción - PrevenciónDrogadicción - TratamientoEstudio de polìticas pùblicas para el tratamiento de jóvenes adictos a la droga en EcuadorStudy of public policies for the treatment of young people addicted to the drug in EcuadorStudio delle politiche pubbliche per il trattamento di giovani dedo alla drogas no EquadorArticleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces