Mojica Domínguez, Josías DanielBarandica Domínguez, AdalbertoRodero Acosta, LenaFranco Montenegro, MónicaHernández Palma, HugoArboleda Cardona, Sebastián2015-09-072015-09-072015-09-071794-4449 globalized society, like the one of today, proposes at least two challenges to the field of law. One is determined by the crisis of creating a juridical structure under de State-Nation notion and the other challenge is related to the culture of recognition and respect for human rights. From this problem, this research work aims to analyze the reality of administrative function as a tool for the transformation of democracy in contexts of pertinence and efficiency. This article is the result of a qualitative research work –a documentary research- through a critical process of revision of archives (numeric and non-numeric) and a content analysis, supported by the triangulation of professional practices, functional structures of the law and the implementation of substantive rules. It is necessary to analyze the levels of participation of the citizens through the integration of the social and judiciary processes, and of the possibilities to access to the information, generating a projection of the levels of transparency and respect to the basic guarantee of the due process.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaAdministraciónTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)Redes sociales (Internet)GlobalizaciónLa función administrativa en la era de las ticAdministrative function in the era of ICTsA função administrativa na era das TICArticle