Acevedo Barrios, Rosa LeonorSeveriche Sierra, Carlos Alberto2015-03-062015-03-0620131909-0455 Cleaner production is a strategy companies have, focused on productive processes, products and services, aiming to strengthen competitiveness through encouraging innovations, cost reductions and also the reduction of risks for human health and for the environment. Objectives. Identifying and categorizing environmental impacts and aspects in a water quality laboratory. methodology. For this research work, the raw material, fuel, electricity and water inputs are considered, and also are outputs –emissions, noises, discharges, and waste- aiming to fulfill environmental laws and resource management. Results. The most relevant results of this research allow the categorization of environmental impacts for the area studied, with average and low significance levels. Conclusions. Environmental impacts have a municipal level and are severe, but they are controlled with tools and infrastructure to minimize their influence in the surroundings. Most of environmental impacts have an average significance in the inputs and low in the outputs, due to the application of strategies of environmental management and to the law enforcement.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráProducción más limpiaContaminación del aguaContaminación industrialImpacto ambientalLaboratoriosEvaluación de impactos ambientales en un laboratorio de calidad de aguasEvaluation of environmental impacts in a water quality laboratoryAvaliação de impactos ambientais num laboratório de qualidade de águasArticle