Morales Moreno, Margarita MaríaRodríguez Sandoval, EduardoSepúlveda Valencia, José Uriel2013-05-082013-05-0820121794-4449 Buñuelos are a kind of fried food very popular in Colombia, and are made mainly with yucca sour starch (fermented), corn starch, cheese, water or milk. Objective. Evaluate the physical and textural of buñuelos, by the use of two types of cheese: the costeño cheese and the white cheese. Materials and methods. The physical-chemical characteristics of the cheese and of the fermented yucca starch were evaluated as raw materials of the product. Two formulas for buñuelos were evaluated with physical tests (diameter, density and weight) and textural tests (firmness, fracture and texture profile analysis). Besides, a triangular test was performed to the samples in order to find out if there was a perceptible sensorial difference regarding the original taste. Results. Concerning the physical characteristics, the buñuelos made with white cheese were more dense and active in water, while buñuelos made with costeño cheese had a bigger volume. Concerning the textural properties, firmness was superior for buñuelos made with white cheese. In the texture profile analysis, buñuelos made with white cheese were harder, while the ones made with costeño cheese were more elastic. The results of the sensory analysis suggested that costeño cheese gives a characteristic taste to the product. Conclusion. The type of cheese used to elaborate buñuelos affects their physical and textural properties. Costeño cheese gave those buñuelos better physical and textural properties, plus a characteristic taste.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaBuñuelosAlimentosAlimentos - AnálisisTextura de alimentosQuesosEvaluación de las propiedades físicas y texturales del buñueloEvaluation of the physical and textural properties of buñueloAvaliação das propriedades físicas e texturas do buñueloArticle