Villasmil Molero, Milagros del Carmen2020-02-042020-02-042019Revista Lasallista de Investigación–Vol. 16 No 1–20191794-4449 Currently, financial accounting in business organizations has been influenced by the presence of environmental management, in virtue of which companies focus their attention on making accounting records that allow the measurement and valuation of operations concerning the ecosystem, obtaining their accounting in accordance with the rules and regulations established for that purpose. Objective: Analyze international accounting standards in light of the requirements for their application in environmental management. Materials and methods: The methodological resource used is the quantitative and positivist field research, applying a structured, self-administered questionnaire, formalized and standardized with a Likert scale, to 7 public accountants and 7 managers of Environmental Management who work in extractive non-metallic mineral companies; with permission from the Ministry of Popular Power for the Environment in the Andean region of the Trujillo State of Venezuela. Results: It was identified that the analyzed companies are governed by the provisions of the FCCPV, in relation to the General Accounting Principles. It was also detected that these organizations do not observe the International Accounting Standards, and it can also be inferred that the majority of these companies adhere to the provisions of the LOA. Conclusion: Although there are regulations of the Venezuelan State and for the accounting profession in environmental matters in particular, certain weaknesses are evidenced in its financial statements regarding the treatment of environmental impact events caused by economic activity, which limits the profession’s responsibility towards the environmentesAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaGestión ambientalPolítica ambientalLegislación ambientalContabiblidad - Normas internacionalesContabilidad financieraEstándares internacionales de contabilidad a la luz de los requerimientos de su aplicación en la gestión ambientalInternational accounting standards in the light of the requirements for their application in environmental managementinfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces