García García, YadiraMorales Espinosa, RobertoAguirre, Juan EstebanSastoque Zapata, JairoArgente Villareal, Arturo2020-12-102020-12-102016Revista de Investigación Lasallista - Vol. 13 No. 2 - 20161794-4449 violence marks the stigmata of sexual abuses, tortures and psychological traumas experienced by thousands of women all over the world, especially in Guatemala and Colombia. Objective. Make an analysis of the history, the consciousness and the disalienation of women as victims of the natural power legitimated by outlaw groups, and the women ́s struggle to proclaim the warranty of their constitutional rights in countries such as Guatemala and Colombia. Materials and methods. A qualitative research work with a hermeneutical-juridical focus was made. Results. These crimes against humanity and the violation of the human rights led to the application of a transactional justice in order to find the truth, the compensation and the commitment of not repeating the barbaric actions committed by rebel or outlaw groups. Conclusion. The analysis of gender violence covers a historical memory process in both countries that converges in the active participation of the state, in order to seek for public policies that improve the active participation of the citizens in the democratization processes to build peace.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaViolencia de generoViolenciaJusticiaDerechos humanosDerechos fundamentalesConstitución PolíticaViolencia de género: escenarios sociojurídicos del conflicto en Guatemala y ColombiaGender violence: sociolegal scenarios of the conflicts in Guatemala and ColombiaViolência de gênero: cenários sociojurídicos do conflito na Guatemala e na Colômbiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces