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Extracción asistida por ultrasonido de compuestos fenólicos de la pulpa de café (Coffea arabica L.) variedad Castillo

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


The main objective of this research was to determine the best conditions in the ultrasound assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from the pulp of coffee. The raw material used was pulp of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) of the variety Castillo; It began with the drying and suitability of raw materials; the particle size was analyzed by sieving and the particle size was represented by models Rosin-Rammler (RR) and Gates-Gaudin-Schuhmann (GGS); Parallel to this a proximal chemical characterization study material according to the official methods of analysis of AOAC was made; then extraction of phenolic compounds from the coffee pulp was performed using conventional solvent extraction using methanol, water and ethanol and total phenolics were determined by the Folin Ciocalteu method; back extraction of phenolic compounds in coffee pulp was conducted by means of ultrasound under minimum conditions with solvents water, ethanol and 50 % mixture, total phenols were also determined by the same method; then proceeded to find the best conditions of frequency and time in assisted extraction ultrasound of phenolic compounds in pulp, with the mixture water-ethanol selected using a factorial design 32 completely randomized total phenols were measured by the Folin Ciocalteu; the best condition found, was quantified main chlorogenic acids and hydroxycinnamic acids by HPLC-DAD and their antiradical activity in vitro by the method of ORAC and TEAC ABTS. The main results are summarized as follows: the model of Rosin-Rammler was the one that best represents the values of the particle size of pulp with an r2 of 0.9929; a material rich in protein and fiber with 11.49 % and 27.493 % respectively was found; the best composition of total phenols was found by conventional extraction with methanol in the order of mgAGE 6967.213/ 100 g dry sample, but was discarded for being a regulated drug and solvent to be more harmful to health in a possible industrial use; Ultrasound-assisted extraction was found that ethanol and water were not very good in the extraction of phenolic compounds, but its mixture of 50 % was the best performance was worth mg AGE 5168.488 / 100 g sample dry; maximizing the ultrasound assisted extraction of phenolic compounds of coffee pulp was at a frequency of 45.5295 kHz and 47,5092 Khz for the complete model and produced respectively, a time of 45 minutes and a set of 300 watts, the model found also had the ability to represent a 85.54 % and 84,63 % respectively . For quantification of chlorogenic acids it was obtained: chlorogenic acid (971.28 ppm), neochlorogenic acid (72.85 ppm), criptoclorogenic acid (117.31 ppm), caffeic acid (24.97 ppm), 3,5 -dicaffeoilquinic (265.51 ppm) and 4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid (52.55) and hydroxycinnamic: coumaric acid (63.74 ppm), ferulic acid (75.70 ppm) and sinapic acid (90.71 ppm ). Finally in vitro antiradical activity of extracts of coffee pulp showed an activity ORAC method 6426 mg TE / 100ml and 11010,55 mg TE / 100ml activity measured by TEAC ABTS.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Maestría en Innovación Alimentaria y Nutrición, Café - Subproductos, Compuestos fenólicos
