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Desarrollo de un refresco a partir de la mezcla de fresa (Fragaria ananassa), mora (Rubus glaucus), gulupa (Passiflora edulis Sims) y uchuva (Physalis peruviana L.) fortificado con hierro y dirigida a niños en edad pre-escolar

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Iron deficiency is recognized worldwide as a major public health problem related to nutrition and associated to physical, neurological and immunological problems. In Colombia according to the results reported in the National Survey of the Nutritional Situation in Colombia of 2010 “Encuesta Nacional de la Situación Nutricional en Colombia de 2010”, is necessary to improve the nutritional strategies for children in order to increase their quality of life, because the prevalence of anemia in children between 6 and 59 months is 27.5 %. With this research an iron fortified mixed fruit drink from strawberry, blackberry, purple passion fruit and yellow Berry was developed, as a product that can be incorporated into nutritional programs and as an example of procesing these four fruits. For this, the four fruits were characterized, and a drink was prepared without the addition of iron, based on the results of the characterization and the requirements of the national law, in order to obtain the levels to be introduced in the orthogonal experimental design selected. The best results of acceptance of the product obtained from sensory analysis were the starting point for the development of iron-fortified juice, where the percentages of iron to assess the orthogonal design were selected from the recommended daily values Intake for children. Finally the best formulation from the results of sensory analysis was selected and life study was conducted evaluating two packaging materials: a low density polyethylene package and a flexible bag, showing more stability the product stored in the flexible bag.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Maestría en Innovación Alimentaria y Nutrición, Bebidas - Elaboración, Bebidas de frutas, Bebidas funcionales
