Curvas de crecimiento post-destete en el ganado Senepol de Colombia
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Introduction. Senepol cattle, brought to Colombia in 2003, were spread nationally by embryo transfer and artificial insemination. Its high growth grade requires the use of statistical models to gather summary information in order to establish production, feeding and management strategies. Objective. To evaluate the growth of the economically important tissues (bone, muscleand fat). Materials and methods.Growth curves in Colombian Senepol cattle were analyzed from bovinemetric and ultrasound measurements, in real time, in 217 animals between 7 and 30 months of age. This work was performed in the 33 farms registered in the Colombian association of Senepol growers (Asociación Colombiana de Criadores de Senepol, ASOSENEPOL), located in 9 provinces. Information about living weight (PV), height to cross (AC), distance between ilium and ilium (II), distance between ilium and ischium (IIS), distance between ischium and ischium (ISIS), horacic perimeter (PT), body length (LC), loin eye area (AOL) and rump fat thickness (EGC) was gathered. Those variables were analyzed by the use of linear generalized models by sex, including the effects of the farm and the age of the animal (linear and quadratic effect). Results. For all of the variables analyzed, the effect of the farm was highly significant (p<0.01), and the linear and quadratic effect of the age was highly significant (p<0.01) on the weight and the thoracic perimeter of the females. The other variables had a significant linear effect (p<0.05). Conclusion.To describe the growth characteristics from weaning to 30 months of age, first degree polynomial models can be used for the variables PV, AOL, ECG, AC, I-I, I-IS, IS-IS, P T and L C in males and AC , I-I, I-IS, IS-IS in females, and a second degree polynomial model can be used to describe the PV and PT characteristics in females. It is evident that Senepol cattle can be considered as a race with an adequate growth in the Colombian tropical conditions.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Ganado Senepol, Bovinometría, Ganado de carne, Ganado - Mejoramiento de la especie