Composición de la leche de cabra y factores nutricionales que afectan el contenido de sus componentes
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
La composición nutricional de la leche caprina difie-re de las otras especies y se caracteriza por sus altos
tenores de grasa y proteína, así como por su mayor
digestibilidad, sin embargo, la calidad composicional
de la leche no sólo depende de la especie o de la raza
de los animales, sino que también se ve influenciada en
gran medida por el tipo de dieta que se les suministra;
en este sentido la cantidad y tipo de fibra, el nivel de
proteína, el tamaño de partícula, la adición de grasas o
aceites vegetales y la relación forraje-concentrado son
los principales actores que intervienen a escala nutricional sobre la producción y calidad de la leche. No
obstante, se ha observado en diversas investigaciones
que los caprinos son menos susceptibles que los bovi-nos a los factores antes mencionados, y que son más
eficientes en la conversión del alimento y su utilización
para producción láctea.
Abstract The nutritional composition of goat´s milk is different from those of other species and it is characterized by its high fat and protein contents, and also by its higher digestibility. However, its compositional quality not only depends on the species or the breed, but is also highly influenced by the diet used on the animals. Under these terms, the quantity and type of fiber, the protein level, the addition of fat or vegetable oils and the forage-concentrate ratio are the most important factors that nutritionally intervene on the milk´s production and quality. It has been observed in several research works, however, that goats are less susceptible than cattle to those factors and they are also more efficient in the food conversion and its use for milk´s production
Abstract The nutritional composition of goat´s milk is different from those of other species and it is characterized by its high fat and protein contents, and also by its higher digestibility. However, its compositional quality not only depends on the species or the breed, but is also highly influenced by the diet used on the animals. Under these terms, the quantity and type of fiber, the protein level, the addition of fat or vegetable oils and the forage-concentrate ratio are the most important factors that nutritionally intervene on the milk´s production and quality. It has been observed in several research works, however, that goats are less susceptible than cattle to those factors and they are also more efficient in the food conversion and its use for milk´s production
Nutrición, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Leche de cabra, Composición nutricional de la leche de cabra, Producción de leche