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    Cultura escolar rural en las voces de maestros del suroeste antioqueño: narrativas sobre las profesionalidades docentes de la hospitalidad
    (Unilasallista Corporación Universitaria, Editorial Lasallista, 2019) Betancourt Cadavid, Jorge Hernán; Guerra Sánchez, Juan Carlos; Manco Rueda, Sergio Andrés
    La profesionalidad docente como interés investigativo ha sido discutida y cuestionada desde diversas miradas en el ámbito académico y científico. Una de estas perspectivas se funda bajo los postulados de la calidad educativa que han apropiado entidades económicas y financieras como la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) y entidades gubernamentales como la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO).
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    Con-Tacto estrategia de educación superior inclusiva para estudiantes con discapacidad visual por ceguera y baja visión en la Universidad de Antioquia Colombia.
    (Unilasallista Corporación Universitaria, Editorial Lasallista, 2019) Ceballos Henao, Leandro
    La educación superior inclusiva es una apuesta que viene tomando fuerza en América Latina, busca hacer el tránsito definitivo entre integración e inclusión para pasar a una educación inclusiva que acoja la diversidad de forma natural. La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) define la educación inclusiva como: Proceso orientado a responder a la diversidad de los estudiantes incrementando su participación y reduciendo la exclusión en y desde la educación. Está relacionada con la presencia, la participación y los logros de todos los alumnos, con especial énfasis en aquellos que, por diferentes razones, están excluidos o en riesgo de ser marginados.” (Unesco, 2005)
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    Musicoterapia y desarrollo integral en niños con estancias prolongadas de hospitalización de aula hospitalaria
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista, 2017) Ceballos Henao, Leandro
    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como título: Musicoterapia y desarrollo integral en niños con estancias prolongadas de hospitalización en contexto de aula hospitalaria y se desarrolló en el servicio de pediatría de la Clínica las Américas de la ciudad de Medellín. Se identificó la necesidad de crear e implementar estrategias especiales para la atención integral a los niños hospitalizados, como complemento a la oferta brindada desde las aulas hospitalarias. Por eso se planteó como objetivo evaluar el impacto de la intervención musicoterapéutica en el desarrollo integral de niños en un hospital de la ciudad de Medellín. A nivel investigativo se recurrió al enfoque cualitativo por medio de estudio único de caso, contando con herramientas como: Observación participante, registro de procesos, protocolos y entrevistas semiestructuradas. La propuesta musicoterapéutica se dio desde el enfoque humanista recurriendo a los cuatro métodos de musicoterapia (método receptivo, de composición, improvisación y re-creación), para el desarrollo de la propuesta, que tuvo una intensidad de 12 sesiones individuales, que pudo mostrar como resultado que la musicoterapia es una herramienta valiosa para potenciar el desarrollo integral del niño con estancia prolongada de hospitalización que se encuentra en procesos en aula hospitalaria en aspectos cognitivos, emocionales, comunicativos, motrices, favoreciendo además la adherencia al tratamiento.
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    El lugar del docente catedrático en la universidad: política y tensiones institucionales de su trabajo
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista, 2019) Alvarado Sánchez, Jairo Augusto
    El trabajo presentado corresponde a un avance de la investigación doctoral en desarrollo denominado “Profesión e identidad en la universidad, organización y control del trabajo docente universitario”. Este capítulo describe el lugar del docente universitario, en especial, el docente de cátedra en el contexto de las políticas públicas universitarias y las tramas institucionales donde se inscribe su trabajo. Dentro del sistema universitario, y su explicitación en las políticas y normativas, los docentes catedráticos como categoría administrativa y académica ocupan un lugar marginal, no solo en su inserción dentro de las funciones sustantivas que despliega la universidad, sino en la invisibilidad que tienen como académicos y agentes educativos en el Estado. El trabajo desarrollado en el escenario universitario es un lugar para la actuación de los docentes pero también un espacio condicionante para su trabajo, al poner reglas administrativas, establecer cargas laborales, simbólicas y rutas académicas que afectan y diferencian su actividad docente.
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    Guía de autoarchivo para trabajos de grado en la Biblioteca Digital Lasallista BIDILA.
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Biblioteca J. Ernesto Vélez Escobar, 2020) Biblioteca J. Ernesto Vélez Escobar
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    Control de enfermedades de poscosecha
    (Corporación Universitaria LAsallista, 2012-08-03) Pássaro Carvalho, Catarina Pedro; Nunes, Carla; Palou, Lluís
    Postharvest diseases can represent up to 80% of the economic loses in the citrus´ sector. These loses can vary a lot, and depend on several factors: The zone of the production, the species and the cultivar, age and condition of the trees, weather conditions during the whole campaign, time and way of the recollection, handling of the products during the postharvest, storage conditions and final market. The most common treatments for the control of those diseases are the synthetic fungicides, but their massive and continuous application of similar active matters (thiabendazole, imazalil, among others) has generated grave concerns to consumers and to the government authorities due to, among other reasons, contamination generated by an excess of chemical waste and the proliferation of resistant pathogenic strains. Besides, there is a strong shift in the trends for the commercialization of horticultural and fruit products to the ecologic or organic markets and, at the same time, “traditional” markets are demanding the fulfillment of more restrictive criteria which go beyond the maximum waste limits established by law. All of these facts have contributed to the search for alternatives to replace agro chemical products for the control of postharvest diseases. In this chapter, CINCEP´s (Spanish acronym for not-contaminant postharvest diseases integrated control) control strategies is approached. Those strategies are based on the profound knowledge of the pathogen´s epidemiology and on the factors that determine their incidence before, during and after the harvest, in order to globally impact the problem, acting on each one of the factors mentioned at the appropriate moment to minimize economic loses. In general, it is important to harvest with the adequate maturity index, always under a dry weather and with a strict care to minimize skin wounds and other physical damages. During postharvest, treatments or mixtures of alternative treatments of a physical, chemicalwith a low toxicity leveland biological order, are required. Among the physical treatments, some can be remarked: Heat (curing, hot water), irradiations (UV-C light) or gas shocks. The main alternative chemical treatments are based on the application of natural substances (extracts of plants, essential oils) alimentary additives or edible anti-fungal covers. The biological control consists on the controlled application of micro organisms that have an antagonistic role against pathogens.
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    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-03) Pássaro Carvalho, Catarina Pedro; Navarro, Pilar; Salvador, Alejandra
    From the moment in which citrus fruits are collected, to their commercialization and consumption, there is a natural decay process that leads to lose the product in a short time if processes to handle and conserve it are not made. In Colombia, loses in citrus´ postharvest are very high. In order to lessen them it is necessary to understand the biological and envi -ronmental factors related to the fruit’s decay and be familiar with the most appropriate postharvest technology to retard the senescence and keep the product’s quality as best as possible. Post har -vest handling aims to keep the product´s quality, from the harvest to the moment in which they are consumed, guaranteeing the organoleptic and nutritional quality, improving the product´s look and always applying the regulations and recommendations that are in force. Usually citrus fruits, after their collection, are transported to handling centers or packaging places in which they are submitted to a confection process for being presented in the market, or submitted to specific postharvest treatments, such as degreening or cold storage. One of the problems for competitiveness the citrus´ chain has is that national fruits do not meet the standards demanded by the internal and the external markets. This is due, mainly, to a deficient post harvest management made all over the country, starting with an inadequate harvest, a deficient selection, classification and storage and a technology insufficient to improve the look of the product, which finally means abundant discards and loses. This chapter discusses the physiological changes that take place in the postharvest, the quality requirements demanded by the market and the postharvest handling process to which citrus are submitted. All of this is to provide the knowledge necessary to commercialize the fruit, keeping the quality demanded by consumers.
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    Los insectos escama asociados a los cítricos, con énfasis en Praelongorthezia praelonga (Douglas) (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Ortheziidae)
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-02) Takumasa Kondo, Demian; Peronti, Ana Lucia; Éva Szita, Ferenc Kozár
    In this Chapter, a list of 32 scale insect species affecting citrus in Colombia, as well as general information on their morphology, damage and control is presented, with emphasis on Praelongorthezia praelonga (Douglas). A taxono- mic key and illustrations are provided also in order to separate the two species of Ortheziidae that affect citrus in Colombia, i.e., P. praelonga and Insignorthezia insignis (Browne).
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    Ácaros que afectan la calidad del fruto de los cítricos en Colombia
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-02) Mesa Cobo, Nora Cristina; Rodríguez Torres, Isaura Viviana
    In this document, a revision to some general aspects of the most important mite species that attack citrus crops in the South East of Colombia is made, and some results from recent research works on the subject are shown, along with a key to identify the main mite families that affect those crops.
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    Insectos de los cítricos
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-02) León M., Guillermo
    In Colombia citrus crops could be attacked by several species of har - mful insects and mites, which affect the development and production of trees, as well as reduce the quality of fruits. The costs of practices to control and prevent damage caused by pests have influence in the economic profitability of the commercial citrus farms. Knowledge of the wide biodiversity in citrus crops, as well as the need to reduce production costs and consumer demand for fruits with less pesticide residues, especially in importing countries, have strengthened research on biological control and integrated pest management (IPM) for citrus crops in recent years. Scientific research in the country to pest control should be directed to the use of biodiversity of species, looking for the reduction of the impact on the ecosystem, the environment and human health, under the approach to integrated management pests. It is required to define economic injury levels and thresholds for action on constraints pests in citrus crops. Also is essential the implementation of good agricultural practices (GAPs) and use of products legally authorized if necessary chemical control. For exportation citrus, should only use chemicals ap - proved by destination country and respecting maximum residue limits (MRLs). This chapter highlights the importance of natural enemies and also presents basic information for the implementation of integrated pest management programs in citrus crops, directed to reduce the use of pesticides, lower production costs, reduced environmental impact and the possibility of getting fruits with cleanest technologies and environ - mentally friendly.
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    La Ecofisiología de los Cítricos en el Trópico: El Caso del Piedemonte Llanero de Colombia
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-02) Ordúz Rodríguez, Javier Orlando
    Citrus crops are subtropical, but they are widely cultivated in most of tropical countries, all over the world. The most important industry of citrus is located in the subtropical zone, and this is the place in which almost all of the scientific information has been generated. Under sub -tropical conditions, the main weather factor that influences the growth and development of citrus plants is the variation of the temperatures related to the annual season cycles (summer-winter). Under tropical conditions, on the other hand, the main factor is the presence or ab -sence of rains. In tropical zones, citrus are cultivated from 0 to 2000 meters above the sea level. Depending on the altitude, regions for cul-tivating citrus in the tropic are classified as high tropic (1500 to 2000 meters), mid (800 to 1500 meters) or low (0 to 700 meters). With al-titude changes, the temperature modifies the annual sum of heat units accumulated, a very important factor to choose the varieties to cultivate in every thermal floor. As a development model of the crop, in the Corpoica´s La Libertad research center, located in the Meta foothills (low tropic, acid soils and well drained high terraces) research about citrus has been being made since 1997. This chapter shows the most relevant information obtained from the studies about phenology, plant nutrition, potential of perfor -mance, requirements and water balance, induction of the flowering, fruit’s growth and the response of 26 orange phenotypes to the envi -ronmental local offer.
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    Generalidades de los cítricos y recomendaciones agronómicas para su cultivo en Colombia
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-02) Ordúz Rodríguez, Javier Orlando; Mateus Cagua, Diana M.
    Citrus were brought to Colombia since the conquest’s times and since then they have been a part of the people’s diet. In current times citrus (orange, tangerine, tangelo orange and acid limes) are the second most cultivated fruit species in Colombia after bananas, and a big part of the production is intended for foreign markets. In Colombian tropical con -ditions, citrus are cultivated from the sea level to 2000 meters above. Taking into account the modification of the temperatures influenced by altitude, citrus´ crops can be classified in low tropic, mid tropic and high tropic. This classification is important to select the species and varieties intended to cultivate. There are five main regions in which citrus are cultivated, and each one requires a different crop’s management. This document introduces the botanical classification of citrus, the horticultu -ral classification of the species and varieties cultivated in Colombia and, finally, a revision to the patterns used for the cultivation is made. Then, information about the weather and soil requirements is provided and recommendations concerning the agronomic, horticultural and phytosa -nitary management are given.
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    Aprovechamiento de los subproductos citrícolas
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-02) Londoño Londoño, Julián Alberto; Sierra, Jelver; Álvarez Quintero, Rafael; Restrepo Duque, Ana María; Pássaro Carvalho, Catarina Pedro
    This chapter describes the main chemical substances contained by the waste generated in citrus´ industrialization. An especial emphasis is given for carotenoids, fixed and essential oils, flavonoids, limonoids and pectin. Finally, applications of these components for the livestock, pharmaceutical, alimentary and environmental sectors are also described.
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    Industrialización de cítricos y valor agregado
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-02) Pássaro Carvalho, Catarina Pedro; Londoño Londoño, Julián Alberto
    This chapter describes the main stages of the production of citrus juices, and the quality characteristics demanded to commercialize those juices according to international regulations. Additionally, alternatives for the industrial use of citrus fruits are mentioned and, finally, information related to the nutritional properties and added value characteristics of citrus´ products is provided, emphasizing the effect of industrialization processes on citrus.
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    La normativa y los estándares de calidad como garantía de competitividad
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-02) Vásquez Mejía, Sandra Milena; Jiménez Cartagena, Claudio
    This chapter aims to provide a reference of the regula-tions and the quality management systems applicable to the citrus´ sector in Colombia and in countries with which there is a commercial trade. Also, the demands made to citrus juices producers and processors are shown and the regulations are correlated with the traceability, the mo - nitoring of the maximum waste limits and the access to international markets as basic requirements for competitiveness. From that scope, the idea is to revise and identify the current difficulties the sector has, and its opportunities.
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    Fisiología de la floración y fructificación en los cítricos
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-02) Rebolledo Roa, Alexander
    In this chapter, a brief about the research advances concerning the physiology in the production of citrus under sub tropical conditions is made, and some stu- dy cases under the Colombian tropical conditions are showed in order to provide information to refine and continue the development of research works that ease the generation of local technology.
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    Situación actual de la cadena de cítricos en Colombia: limitantes y perspectivas
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-02) Aguilar Niño, Pedro F.; Escobar Quijano, Manuel José; Pássaro Carvalho, Catarina Pedro
    This chapter shows the current outlook of citrus’ pro-duction in Colombia, making a brief analysis of the sector´s most recent trends in international and natio -nal markets. The most important problems that limit the development and competitiveness of the citrus´ production chain are described, and so are the compe-titiveness agreements and the Plan de Acción Nacional de la Cadena de Cítricos de Colombia (Colombian National Citrus Chain’s Action Plan).
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    Circuitos económicos solidarios: referentes teóricos y conceptuales
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-08-01) Mora Rendón, Sol Bibiana
    The purpose of this article is to identify theoretical and concept references to study the solidarity economic circuits. With this in mind, a revision to the literature available on the subject was made. This research finished with the finding of Karl Marx´s Political Economy and Luis Razeto Migliaro´s Comprehensive Economic Theory. The first author provides the theoretical and conceptual elements to understand how economic circuits are formed and how they work in general, departing from the production, distribution, change and consumption processes. The second author offers and important reference to show the specific details of solidarity economic circuits from their fluxes, relations, subjects and economic units that form the solidarity sector’s universe.
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    Seis sigma: un enfoque teórico y aplicado en el ámbito empresarial basándose en información científica
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-07-11) Gómez Montoya, Rodrigo Andrés; Barrera Rendón, Santiago
    Six Sigma is a quality philosophy that allows a reduction on the variation of the processes and products, and an impact on the clients´ satisfaction. Objective. To elaborate the state of the at and the trends of Six Sigma concerning its methodologies, focuses for the use, benefits and the critical failure and success factors that facilitate its implementation. Methodology. Revision and analysis of secondary scientific information, considered useful for making the state of the art and for establishing the trends. Conclusion. The importance of process management is identified, and so are the organizational culture, the use of statistical techniques and the programs or planning methods to implement Six Sigma in companies as a tool to reduce costs, improve the satisfaction level ,o clients and create a competitive advantage from the continuous improvement of the operations, which can be considered a difficult to imitate capability.
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    Inhibición de la polifenoloxidasa extraída del banano (cavendish) por medio de algunos derivados del isoespintanol
    (Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2012-04-12) Gil Garzón, Maritza Andrea; Rojano, Benjamín Alberto; Guerrero, Carlos Andrés
    Abstract Introduction. Looking for new sources of natural compounds with anti-oxidant activity, a great variety of phenolic plants have been being found. They have a high protective power on the enzymatic browning, responsible for undesired color changes in fresh fruits and vegetables. Objective. In this work, enzymatic browning inhibition of polyphenol oxidase, PPO, extracted from Giant Cavendish bananas (export type) is studied, by the use of the dopamine substratum. Methodology. The inhibitors used were: Isoespintanol (a metabolite extracted from Oxandra cf. xylopioides (Annonaceae) and two of its analogs: 2-isopropyl-4 -bromo-3 ,6-dimethoxy-5-methylphenol and 3-isopropyl-6-methyl-1, 2,4-trihydroxybenzene, which were simultaneously obtained by the use of the bromination method with dimethylsulphonium bromide in a (75:25) relation, respectively. Also, ascorbic acid was used as a reference anti-oxidant. The compounds synthesized were characterized by performing a magnetic resonance spectroscopy and a chromatography coupled to masses and its anti-oxidant capability was evaluated with the ABTS, FRAP and DPPH methods. PPO´s activity, partially purified, was analyzed on the enzymatic extract, spectrophotometrically, at 30°C before the anti-oxidants at 500, 1000 and 1500 ppm. Results and analysis. Isoespintanol had the best response under the three anti-oxidant capability techniques, while the bromination had the best reduction capability under the FRAP method and the demethylated had a better performance in the methanolic medium. PPO´s activity was 102.3 activity units, this means that thee was a reduction between 72.5 and 92% with al of the compounds. The highest inhibition was achieved at 1500 ppm of ascorbic acid (92%). With the inhibition of the enzymatic activity for the brominated and the demethylated compound there were no significant differences, (P>0.05) at 500 ppm (84.8 – 84.53%), 1000 ppm (73.87 - 72.53%) and 1500 ppm (84 – 82.4%), respectively. The opposite took place for the isoespintanol concerning its two analogs, at 1000 ppm (42.4%), which obtained significant statistic differences (P>0.05). The inhibition type was studied for isoespintanol, which had a competitive inhibition (KI=0.015M y KM=0.026M).