Control de enfermedades de poscosecha
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Corporación Universitaria LAsallista
Postharvest diseases can represent up to 80% of the economic loses in
the citrus´ sector. These loses can vary a lot, and depend on several factors: The zone of the production, the species and the cultivar, age and
condition of the trees, weather conditions during the whole campaign,
time and way of the recollection, handling of the products during the
postharvest, storage conditions and final market.
The most common treatments for the control of those diseases are the
synthetic fungicides, but their massive and continuous application of
similar active matters (thiabendazole, imazalil, among others) has generated grave concerns to consumers and to the government authorities due to, among other reasons, contamination generated by an excess
of chemical waste and the proliferation of resistant pathogenic strains.
Besides, there is a strong shift in the trends for the commercialization
of horticultural and fruit products to the ecologic or organic markets
and, at the same time, “traditional” markets are demanding the fulfillment of more restrictive criteria which go beyond the maximum waste
limits established by law. All of these facts have contributed to the search for alternatives to replace agro chemical products for the control
of postharvest diseases.
In this chapter, CINCEP´s (Spanish acronym for not-contaminant
postharvest diseases integrated control) control strategies is approached. Those strategies are based on the profound knowledge of
the pathogen´s epidemiology and on the factors that determine their
incidence before, during and after the harvest, in order to globally impact the problem, acting on each one of the factors mentioned at the
appropriate moment to minimize economic loses. In general, it is important to harvest with the adequate maturity index, always under a
dry weather and with a strict care to minimize skin wounds and other
physical damages. During postharvest, treatments or mixtures of alternative treatments of a physical, chemicalwith a low toxicity leveland
biological order, are required.
Among the physical treatments, some can be remarked: Heat (curing,
hot water), irradiations (UV-C light) or gas shocks. The main alternative chemical treatments are based on the application of natural substances (extracts of plants, essential oils) alimentary additives or edible
anti-fungal covers. The biological control consists on the controlled
application of micro organisms that have an antagonistic role against
Cítricos, Cítricos - Colombia, Cítricos - Poscosecha, Cítricos - Enfermedades poscosecha, Poscosecha, Enfermedades poscosecha, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Control integrado no contaminante de enfermedades de poscosecha (CINCEP)