Hernia discal lumbar en un canino compatible con síndrome del paciente eutiroideo
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Introduction. Canine disc disease can be cervical
or lumbar- thoracic. Disk injuries are most common
between a T11-L12 inter spaces. A syndrome is observed
frequently in chondrodistrophic and small
races, such as Dachshound, Beagle, Caniche, Shitzu
and Maltese. It is classificated by veterinarians in two
types of disk degenerations: they are Hansen type I
and type II protrusions. Objective. To introduce a new
method that allows a diagnosis of a canine disk disease
by the use of magnetic resonance. Materials
and methods. A magnetic resonance was used by
veterinarians for a final diagnosis in a disk injury in a
Beagle that also had a disease related with a Euthyroid
Patient Syndrome. Results. A definite diagnosis
of a lumbar herniated disk was confirmed by the use
of magnetic resonance. Results of a blood chemical,
a thyroid hormone analysis and a patient’s clinic history
show a syndrome compatible with that of the
euthyroid patient. Conclusion. A magnetic resonance
can be a certain method for a definitive diagnosis for
disk injuries in small animals.
Hernia discal, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Síndrome del paciente eutiroideo, Enfermedad discal canina, Sobrepeso, Perros - Enfermedades, Perros