Evaluación comparativa de los parámetros productivos y agronómicos del pasto kikuyo Pennisetum clandestinum bajo dos metodologías de fertilización
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Introduction. Green forage production and its
quality are some of the factors that determine the
efficiency in the production and composition levels
of milk in Antioquian intensive systems. Most common grass species is Kikuyo pennisetum Clandestinum, which can be found in 85% of specialized systems. This grass requires high chemical
fertilization levels to achieve biomass productions
enough to maintain the high loads they are submitted to by producers. Nitrogen fertilization, recommended for this kind of exploitations, moves
between 50 and 70 Kg of nitrogen per hectare/grazing, and this means at least 400 Kg of nitrogen per year. The cost of fertilizers has obligated
producers to look for strategies to reduce costs,
using, among other options, organic matter as
their compost source. Organic matter is important
because of its impact on the soil’s structure and
on some physical-chemical characteristics that
help to a better use of the chemical fertilizer and
finally increase the quality and the production of
green forage. Objective. To determine the effect
of the partial substitution of chemical fertilizers on
the production of green forage and the leaf-stem
relation in a farm located at the North of Antioquia.
Materials and Methods. An experimental design
in blocks randomized with three treatments was
used, using as blocks 17 land plots in which the
research was made. A minimum of three repetitions was made in every plot. The treatments
were: 1) 50Kg of N/ha; 2) 25 Kg of N/ha plus
200Kg of organic fertilizar and 3) 25 Kg of N/ha
plus 300Kg of organic fertilizer. Results. The statistic analysis was made by the use of the SAS
GLM 9.0 version procedure. Conclusion. According to the analysis, there was no significant difference (p<0.05) between treatments for any of the
evaluated characteristics, forage production per
hectare and leaf:stem relation. This means that,
under production and agronomic quality terms
of the forage, the organic fertilizer replaced the
chemical one, becoming a feasible alternative for
fertilization in this kind of exploitations.
Fertilización, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Kikuyo (Pennisetum Clandestinum), Pastos - Abonos y fertilizantes, Pastos - Producción, Pastos - Cultivo, Forraje verde, Fertilizantes orgánicos, Abono orgánico