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Alternativa para la segregación de residuos químicos generados en el Laboratorio de Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria de la Universidad del Cauca


Introduction. Universities with chemical analysis laboratories manage, of course, chemical substances and make diverse operations that generate residues which are, in most of the cases, dangerous for human health and the environment. Objective. To achieve an adequate segregation of the residues generated in the Environmental and Sanitary Engineering laboratory of the University of the Cauca. Materials and methods. In order to establish this new classification alternative, several activities were done, among them a wide bibliographical research and an analysis of experiences, activities developed in the laboratory, clarity in the moment of the segregation, easiness of recovering and reuse of waste, among others. Results. the outlined alternative classifies and gathers the chemical waste inside the laboratory in groups and subgroups according to each practice or laboratory activity to be developed during the semester. Conclusion. the outlined alternative allows gathering, in an appropriate way, the residuals generated in laboratory practices, allowing its easy recovery and potential reuse. It also facilitates to identify dangerous and not dangerous residues and, with the application of this alternative, several useful assets have been recovered such as: copper sulphate, potassium chromate, ethanol, disinfectant solutions, saline solutions, acid- base solutions, silicon dioxide, manganese, dioxide and sulphur.



Residuos químicos, Laboratorios, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Educación superior, Residuos químicos - Manejo
