Contaminantes orgánicos emergentes en el ambiente: productos farmaceuticos
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista.
Waste materials from pharmaceutical products are
an environmental problem due to their persistence and distribution in water, soil, air and food. The
use of those products in hospitals, veterinarian clinics and homes, increase their discharges and also
those of their transformation products into the environment and their toxicity affects life in ecosystems.
The development of sample treatment methods and
instrumental analysis techniques have allowed their
low concentrations monitoring throughout all of the
components of aquatic, ecosystems, the soil and
their biomagnifications in food chains. Likewise, in
vitro and in vivo tests are made to determine their
ecotoxicity, classifying them as emerging pollutants
which discharges are not accountable, but which
impact on ecosystems is chronic and highly harmful
for health worldwide. This revision gathers research
works made during the last 10 years concerning the
presence of some pharmaceutical products in water
bodies and also warns about the impact of pharmaceutical activities on environment.
Productos farmacéuticos, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Contaminación ambiental, Contaminantes emergentes, Contaminación del agua, Contaminación ambiental - Productos farmacéuticos