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Exploración de un ejercicio de escritura colaborativa en línea de un grupo de estudiantes de básica primaria


Introduction. Wikis have made it possible that people from all over the world jointly participate in constructing knowledge. Objective. This article explores the relation between wiki technology and an on-line collaborative writing of a Basic Primary School group of students of several institutions in Medellin city, Colombia. Materials and Methods. Sixty-three (63) fifth-level students from three official education institutions, not related among them, participated. A qualitative design, with an exploratory scope was used. Most of information sources were semi-structured interviews and registry of on-line interactions. Results. Results show that a pedagogical accompaniment may be an interesting supporting resource for on-line collaborative writing. Conclusion. Digital technologies may ease to start up some pedagogical ideas associated to collaborative writing; however, research should continue to corroborate if this type of exercises may be repeated in several contexts and avoid falling in technological determinism.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Alfabetización informacional, Alfabetización digital, Escritura colaborativa, Aprendizaje en virtual


Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 14 N. 1