Algunas características de la mortalidad por homicidio en Colombia. 1985 a 2001
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Introduction: Colombia has the sad reputation of
being one of the most violent countries in the world,
and this situation is harder due to an armed conflict
that has lasted more than five decades and that has
put our country in the group of very few countries
with such long conflicts. Objective: To evaluate the
evolution of the homicide rates in the 1985-2001
period, according to the sex, age group and position
variables, in the first death causes. Materials and
methods: A descriptive study of death by homicide
that uses as main source the death registrations of
intentional injuries made by other persons (ICD-9:
E960-E968, ICD -10: X85-Y09). Results: In the 1985-
2001 period, 402375 deaths by homicide were
registered in Colombia. The risk of dying by homicide
showed an ascendant lineal trend. This risk was
bigger among the male population and in the age
group between 15-45 years. From 1987 homicide
was the first death cause in all of the population.
Conclusion: Colombia shows high homicide rates,
in fact higher than those showed worldwide.
Mortalidad, Tasa de homicidios, Homicidios, Causas externas de defunción, Mortalidad Colombia