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Los coleópteros y el compost


Coleopteras are well known as among the coleoptera order we have the Scarabaideae and Sthaphylinaidae families that help to degradate the organic material, although there is not a thorough knowledge of the conditions under which they act. It is very important to obtain information on how to help to improve the quality of compost, because many benefits would be obtained in several aspects. The compost is of the best organic fetillizers that can be obtained in an easy way. Coleopteras can be present as one link of the alimentary chain, performing as decomposers or transformers of solid organic waste.



Compost, Staphylinidae, Scarabidae, Coleóptera, Residuos sólidos - Aprovechamiento, Residuos sólidos, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
