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Recuperación de NaOH yH2SO4 en el anodizado de aluminio. Una oportunidad económica y ambiental

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá


Introduction. In the galvanoplasty sector, the aluminium anodizing process is one of the most critical in environmental impact terms. Objective. To describe the opportunities of cleaner production for the aluminium anodizing process. Materials and Methods.To recover NaOH we analyzed three technologies: Ionic exchange, crystallization and precipitation, which were all taken into account due to past international successful experiences. Pilot tests and laboratory tests were made, determining that ionic exchange does not offer technical satisfactory results and that feasible options are crystallization and aluminium precipitation. To recover H2SO4 from the anodizing bath, ionic exchange was explored as an alternative, obtaining technical and economical satisfactory results. Results. The economical benefits of implementing these technologies are related to diminishing the costs generated by the consuming of caustic soda and sulphuric acid, a better control of processes, constant operation conditions and a longer time of usefulness of the baths. Environmental benefits are the optimization of the use of caustic soda, a lower sulphate discharging less consuming of water and energy and a better generation of the metallic mud coming from the waste water treatment done after the process. Conclusion. The proposed system provides a potential save of water which can be gradually increased if the appropriate acid concentrations in the bath are kept.



Galvanoplastia, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Anodinado, Ácido sulfúrico (H2SO4), Estaño (SNSO4), Aluminio, Intercambio iónico, Cristalización, Precipitación, Aguas residuales, Tratamiento de aguas residuales, Contaminación
