Análisis de los efectos de la dolarización espontánea y oficial en hispanoamérica: la perspectiva keynesiana y liberal del sistema monetario.
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista
Introduction: this article analyzes the
process of dollarization in Hispanic
America from different economic
perspectives. Dollarization refers to the
adoption of a foreign currency as legal
tender and is linked to the loss of value
of national currencies. The concept and
the different types of dollarization will be
established, paying special attention to
the cases of official dollarization such as
that of Ecuador and El Salvador and to
the banking system of Panama that is
characterized by its financial integration
and the absence of a central bank.
Objective: to analyze the effects on
interest rates, inflation, trade balance
and other macroeconomic variables
in different countries of the region.
Materials and Methods: primary
sources are therefore used and economic
data are interpreted based on the
theories presented. Results: In the case
of Ecuador, dollarization contributed to
overcoming the 1999 financial crisis by
providing the period of greatest monetary
stability in its history. Conclusions
Keynesian economists or those who
propose the intervention of central banks
in the design of monetary policy pose
another analysis of the process.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Macroeconomía, Economía - Investigaciones, Inflación, Inflación - América Latina
Revista de Investigación Vol. 15 No 2 2018