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Efecto de la transicion adenina/guanina del gen de la prolactina bovina sobre características de importancia en producción lechera

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Abstract Introduction. Among the most important characteristics of Dairy cattle, milk production and quality are remarked. Among the important hormones for these processes, growth hormone and prolactin are highlighted. Prolactin has many functions; therefore polymorphic sequences have been searched in the gen that codifies that protein, by the use of molecular techniques to detect polymorphisms in specific DNA regions. This is useful to make genetic maps and evaluate the effect on the characteristic’s expression. Objective. To determine allelic and phenotypic frequencies of the prolactin gen and the association between its polymorphisms and some production characteristics. Materials and methods. The determination of genotypes was made by means of PCRRFLP, with DNA extracted from peripheral blood by salting out. 470 lactations from 165 Holstein cows were analyzed, and a follow–up to their milk production and composition was made during a minimum a complete lactation. Results. The most frequent allele for the PRL gen was PRLA (0.91); the most frequent genotype was AA (0.83) while the less frequent was PRLBB (0.02); Milk production, protein percentage and protein quantity had a significant statistic difference, and the others had no significance. Conclusion. These results match those achieved by other researchers. Therefore, individuals with favorable phenotypes must be found through selection and they must be used in genetic increase programs.



Producción de leche, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Leche - Control de calidad, Leche - Análisis, Prolactina, Genética de ganado vacuno, Ganado lechero, Ganado lechero - Mejoramiento de la especie
