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Efecto de la densidad de siembra sobre la larvicultura de guabina (rhamdia sebae c.f.) en sistema de recirculación.


Abstract: Introduction. Larviculture phase is the most important stage in a fry production system. Most of native fish species have altricial larvae, which are known for their low development, and which require optimal conditions. Recirculation systems are a technological tool that is environmentally friendly and allows productivity and profitability increases in larviculture. Objective. To evaluate three containment densities and their effects on Rhamdia sebae larvae´s growth and survival in a re- circulation system. Materials and methods. “Guabina” (Rhamdia sebae) larvae with a posthatching period of 36 hours were used. They were seeded in three densities, 25, 50 and 75 larvae L-1 (T1, T2 y T3 respectively) in triplicate, in 80 litters containers, in a recirculation system. In the different treatments, the animals were fed for the first time and during a 17 days period with Artemia salina nauplii and concentrated food with a 35 % of brute protein. Results. At the end of the experiment, the results indicated significant differences (p<0.05) between the treatments concerning the weight gain and the survival. The best performance was that of T1 (21.72 ± 5.57 mg and 73.08 ± 14.51%, respectively), also including, for this treatment, the best specific growth rate (6,32%), followed by T2 (13 ± 5,14 mg and 44.33 ± 12.04%) and T3 (8.12 ± 3.38 mg and 38.92 ± 11.84%). Conclusion. The best seeding density in this kind of system was 25 L-1 larvae.



Larvicultura, Producción de alevinos, Sistemas con recirculación, Guabina - Rhamdia Sebae, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Densidad de siembra
