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Problemas de la Generación, Disposición y Tratamiento de los Residuos Sólidos en el Municipio de Quibdó, Colombia.

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Unilasallista Corporación Universitaria, Editorial Lasallista.


The integrated management of solid waste is a challenge focused on the care and preservation of the environment, taking into account that most of the population does not adequately separate waste at the source. In this sense, the municipality of Quibdó is no stranger to this situation, because in addition to the lack of citizen culture reflected in an inadequate separation at the source, there is also the deficiency in the final disposal of waste, carried out in the open dump “Marmolejo”, causing significant negative impacts on the environment and public health. This article compiles information on the main sources of generation, management and final disposal of solid waste currently carried out in Quibdó; focusing on identifying the current problems and the main challenges that the municipality has in terms of waste management, as well as the different processes and programs that are developed aimed at an adequate management and/or use of the waste produced, which would allow considering the identification and implementation of alternatives for the development of circular economy processes and therefore the generation of sustainable enterprises in the region



Unilasallista Corporación Universitaria, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Aprovechamiento de residuos, Aprovechamiento de desechos, Residuos sólidos, Residuos sólidos - Manejo


Revista Producción + Limpia –Vol. 16 No. 2.