Derivados cárnicos como alimentos funcionales
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
In recent years, nutrition and food sciences have
been studying the relationship between health and
food consumption, concluding that healthy consumption helps to cure and prevent some chronic diseases. Healthy feeding has been based on combining
food, nutrients and ingredients added to provide certain healthy conditions, by designing the mixtures for
the different physiological situations. Probiotic microorganisms, prebiotics (dietary fiber), some vitamins
and minerals, plus some anti oxidants, are the mostly
used and studied ingredients. Based on this, a definition for this kind of products has been studied and
developed, calling them “functional food”. Products
made from meat, with ingredients that contribute to
health, are becoming more popular every day and
offer an alternative for consuming foods that allow
people to keep and improve their quality of life.
Alimentación, Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Fibra dietaría, Microorganismos probióticos - Fibra dietaría, Microorganismos probióticos - Fibra dietaría, Alimentos funcionales, Derivados cárnicos, Nutrición