Análisis de la biodiversidad de fauna vertebrada en la finca Santa Inés ubicada en Caldas – Antioquia mediante fototrampeo
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
The conservation of species and their appropriate management rely on the availability of information on their populations, it is therefore important to consider aspects such as the abundance and the pattern of activity. This study analyzed the composition of the community of vertebrate fauna in a woodland area very moist tropical premontane the practice center Santa Ines with an area of 124085 m2, conformation limoarcillosa and limoarenosa, at an altitude between 1800 and 2000 msnm, and with an average rainfall of 2444 mm. We used the non-invasive technique of the camera traps, during a sampling period of 15 weeks using 7 cameras and by rotating every 3 weeks of place with the recorded species and gender is the list of species, at the end was a rotation that was called rotation for the relative abundance that had a duration of 3 months, this in order to get more specific results for the index of relative abundance. In addition baits were used to facilitate the observation. With the results calculated the index of relative abundance (IAR, number of independent records/100 days trap). The pattern of activity of the species registered determined habits both daytime and at night.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Medicina Veterinaria, Fauna silvestre, Animales salvajes, Fotografía de animales