Tendencias y evolución investigativa sobre la movilidad sostenible: una aproximación bibliométrica
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista.
Forms of mobility represent a dynamic of great interest in large cities, since strategies that benefit communities should be sought through better transport offers, reduced travel times and less pollution. Therefore, the aim of this article is to examine research evolution and trends on sustainable mobility through a bibliometric analysis. Materials The study is developed in two phases, the first one includes the selection of the database and the search equation definition. The second one corresponds to the calculation of bibliometric indicators of quantity, quality and thematic trends. The Results show an intensification in the number of publications on the subject with an increase of 20% in annual production in recent years, mainly in research from Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Australia and Germany. It is Concluded that the topics that have been consolidating in the field of knowledge are: urban planning, public transportation and strengthening of mass transportation
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Transporte urbano, Movilidad sostenible, Desarrollo sostenible, Transporte - Accesibilidad, Transporte - Movilidad, Transporte público
Revista Producción + Limpia – Vol. 14 No 2–2019