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Estudio de la estabilidad de fases en el sistema Zn – Cr – O a partir de síntesis por combustión en solución

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista


Introduction. Compounds with transition metals in their structure generate great interest due to their physical properties, especially their magnetic and electric ones. The spinel ZnCr O2 4 has been characterized by its potential uses as photocatalyst and as CO2 , sensing material, which has current relevance and has motivated to learn about new methods for obtaining it and for justifying studies that allow to understand the thermodynamic characteristics for its formation. Objective. Study phase stability ZnCr O2 4 with the coexistence of secondary phases formed through thermal treatments. Materials and methods. From the homogenization of glycine and nitrates (zinc and chrome), an amorphous compound was synthetized by combustion in solution. After thermal treatments (750, 850 and 950 °C), the compound presented crystalline ordering. Results. After obtaining the compound, the morphology of the powders was evaluated through scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and their composition was also evaluated (EDS). The presence of organic material was determined and a thermal characterization was made (TGA and DSC) to define the phase formation temperature. Next, the structures were evaluated and compared through X-ray diffraction (XRD). Using simulations in the FactSage® software the results were compared to verify phase equilibrium. Conclusion. Through the solution combustion method, a noncrystalline structure is obtained, formed by Zn, Cr and O, confirming the presence of C associated to the organic component after combustion.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Combustión en solución, Tratamiento térmico, Espinela, Fotocatalizador, Compuestos


Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 14 N. 2