Evaluación de enmiendas en el proceso de compostaje de residuos de curtiembres
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista.
Leather industries are known as a contaminant business, especially due to remains comprised of fat, hair and heavy metals that finally go to water bodies.Objective.To evaluate the composting process of selected remains, by the use of amendments, in a leather industry from El Cerrito, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.Materials and methods.Three treatments were established by assembling compost stashes: swine manure and grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) with and without inoculated microorganisms (T1 and T2) and wood chips (T3). A follow up to the temperature and the pH during the composting process was performed and the germination rate was determined by the use of radish seeds (Raphanus Sativus). The final products of the treatment were evaluated to be applied on soils, according to the technical Colombian rule NTC 5167, 2011. Results.The behavior of the temperature was not the usual one found in the composting process, reaching a maximum temperature of 67 ºC, which did not allow the product to be hygienic enough. The pH values reached were above 7, an alkaline behavior that could affect the microbiological activity during the process. The germination rates were located between 60 % and 80 %, which means the presence of phytotoxic compounds that can influence the quality of the final product for its application in soils.Conclusion.The product obtained can become an organic amendment, according the NTC 5167 rule of 2004, especially for its use in the recovery of degraded soils
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Residuos industriales, Industria del cuero, Residuos sólidos, Control biológico
Revista Producción + Limpia - Enero - Junio de 2016. Vol.11, No.1