Caracterización de la deserción en la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia durante el período 2008-2015
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
Introduction: Higher Education Institutions (HEI)
should evidence follow-up on dropout,
permanence, graduation, and, in general, any
status presented by students, which supports
decision-making and the proposal for new
strategies intended to mitigate high dropout rates.
Objectives: To characterize the dropout trajectory
of students enrolled from 2008 to the first semester
of 2015, analyzing the trend over time of the
students’ status (graduates, enrolled, academic
terminations and deserters). Materials and
methods: This is a descriptive research based on
the data supplied by the Group of Systems
Organization of the University. The association of desertion is analyzed by means of simple
correspondences between the State High School
tests (SABER tests) taken by the students and the
UPTC faculties. Likewise, and exploratory analysis
is made based on the discriminant analysis to
classify dropout and non-dropout students with the
variables: SABER tests, cumulative GPA and age.
The results show that dropout students are
influenced by low scores on the SABER Test, that
the Basic Sciences Faculty has the highest
dropout rate, and that change of study program
influences dropping out. Conclusions: Institutions
should conduct studies to identify the causes of
desertion and establish strategies for potential
deserters before they leave the system; in that
sense, HEI should be facilitators in the processes
of permanence and graduation taking into account
the quality of their graduates.
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Educación superior - Colombia, Deserción académica, Formación profesional, Impacto social
Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 15 N. 1