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Comportamiento reproductivo de Alona sp. y Diaphanosoma sp. (Crustacea: cladocera) bajo diferentes fotoperiodos

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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista


In recent years, native zooplankton has become an alternative source of food in the fish larviculture and nursery processes. Cladocerans are the most used group given their small size, fast development, easy cultivation, susceptibility to pre-dation and high content of digestive enzymes and nutrients. objective. To determine the reproductive behavior of two native cladoceran species from the Colombian Orinoquia (Alona sp. and Diaphanosomasp.) in laboratory and under different photoperiod conditions, measuring some reproductive efficiency variables. Materials and methods. Just born indivi-duals were put, individually, in 6 mL. multicell boxes, which were put into isolated cabins with controlled illumination in order to provide light during 0, 6, 12 or 24 hours. 12 replicates of each treatment were performed. Every 6 h and during 15 days in a row, every individual was observed with the microscope in order to determine the presence of eggs or embr-yos in the incubation chamber and, later, calculate the reproduction variables. results. No significant differences were found between treatments for the variables evaluated in any of both species. conclu-sions. Under the experimental conditions used, it could be seen that the photoperiod has no influence on the reproduction aspects measured in this study for the Alona sp. and Diaphanosoma sp.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Zooplancton, Alimentos, Larvicultura, Larvas de peces, Reproducción de peces


Revista Lasallista de Investigación - Vol. 10 No. 2 - 2013