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Comparación de los escenarios de emisiones de GEI por combustión móvil y fertilización en un cultivo de caña comercial y orgánica a través de modelos de simulación


Introduction. Fossil combustion and fertilizer decomposition are the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in sugarcane crops.Objective. Perform a comparative analysis of Carbon Footprint scenarios in commercial and organic sugarcane crops. Materials and Methods. Carbon Footprint was calculated based on IPCC Guidelines; emission projections were obtained through system dynamics and the opportunities for emissions reductions were obtained with sensitivity analysis. Results. The first CO2 emission model for fossil combustion obtained a level of 1.87 tCO2 -eq/ha in a commercial crop and 1.67 tCO2 -eq/ha in an organic crop, projected for 25 years. The second N2 O emissions model for fertilizer decomposition achieved a level of 6.18 tCO2 -eq/ ha in a commercial crop and 4.62 tCO2 -eq/ha in an organic crop, simulated for 5 years. Conclusion. The adoption of specific agricultural practices in each agro-ecological zone represents an opportunity to reduce CO2 emissions, which corresponds to 31% for commercial crop and 0.49% for organic crop. A proper fertilizer application according to soil characteristics and the crop’s harvest cycle contributes to reducing N2 O emissions by up to 40% for commercial crop and 25% for organic crop.



Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Caña de azúcar - Cultivo, Combustión, Dióxido de carbono, Óxido nitroso, Emisiones


Revista Producción + Limpia Vol. 12 N. 2