Gestión de la docencia superior brasileña, a partir de la misión compartida
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista
The present article approaches the institutional
mission, under the scope of the private institutions
devoted to higher education in Brazil, and their
importance as strategic tools. The main objectives
of an institution are expressed by its mission,
therefore it is where the managers must look for
the basis of their actions, in order that the
organization they rule can firmly endure in a highly
competitive market. The article presents a model
of management by objectives under a focus given
by some approaches from the Balanced Scorecard.
In the proposed model -the shared mission- we
look at the areas, (departments/ collaborators) the
responsibility and the monitoring of the indexes
and goals of the objectives corresponding to each
one. The real understanding of the mission by the
direction board, and the commitment of the
employees, are an essential element for its
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Educación superior, Educación superior - Brasil, Cuadro de mando integral (balanced scorecard), Instituciones de educación superior (IES), Misión institucional, Modelo de gestión por objetivos